Travel is fun and exciting and there are so many wonderful places to visit in the world. Each place can offer incredible experiences and beautiful landscapes; but, how does your skin react to these environments? There are so many different climates and micro-climates that you may experience differences in your skin while traveling to different areas. Many may assume that they can skip certain skin care steps depending on the atmospheric conditions they encounter, but this is not the case.
Your skin always needs the basics of skin care for optimal health and beauty: Protection, Exfoliation and Restoration.
Sun Exposure
Sun protection can often be overlooked in different environments. Many people forget to apply SPF when it’s cold outside, with the assumption that sun damage only occurs in warmer weather. Another common misconception is that sun protection is not needed in climates where it’s cloudy or rainy. Believing these misconceptions, and not applying your SPF, will lead you to increased sun damage and more rapid aging.
Yes, the UV index may be lower at different times of the year and in cloudy climates, but you are still being exposed to UVB and UVA rays from the sun. Here a some quick tips about UVB and UVA rays:
- UVB rays lead to sunburn, so use an SPF of at least 30.
- UVA rays are the most damaging and lead to brown spots, chronic redness, collagen loss and sagging skin.
- For UVA protection, look for an SPF with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. And make sure it’s water resistant for outdoor activities.
Dry Desert ClimatesIn dry, desert-like climates, you may be less inclined to continue exfoliation and more inclined to pile on the moisturizer. Remember, the reason skin feels dryer is not only dehydration from the dry air, but also due to dead cell buildup on the skin’s surface. Encouraging natural exfoliation will help the skin produce and retain more moisture naturally. So, continue to use products containing AHAs, BHAs, and/or Retinaldehyde. For travel, I usually simplify my product regimen and take only ourVital A Rejuvenating Serum with Retinaldehyde. Also, you may feel like you need a little extra moisture. The purpose of a good moisturizer is to decrease the epidermal water loss from the skin. I love ourC Radiance Moisturizer with the added benefits of vitamin C.
Humid Climates
In humid climates, once again, encouraging exfoliation is an important step. Decrease pore clogging from excess oil and dead skin cell buildup with the AHAs found in ourRejuvenating Swipes. Also, because the air contains so much moisture, your skin will less water loss, and will need minimal to no moisturizer.
Skin restoration is a critical step for youthful and beautiful skin, and should never be overlooked. This can be especially important if you’re visiting more harsh climates or partaking in strenuous outdoor activities that put added stress on your skin’s health. Restore and maintain your skin’s smoothness and firmness with ingredients like Vitamin C, Peptides, and Vitamin A. OurBio Peptide Revitalizing Serum is loaded with plant-based peptides that nourish, protect, and restore your skin for a smooth, radiant glow. For simplicity, ourVital A Rejuvenating Serumis a multitasking hero, as it encourages exfoliation and skin restoration in one step.

Beautiful, healthy and radiant skin can be easily achieved and maintained in all environments if you keep in mind that all skin, no matter the “type,” has the same three basic needs.
Enjoy your travels!
Mary Ann Copp
August 11, 2019
I have used your skin care regimen for years. Please continue to educate us on good skin care and continue offering the best products on the market